Laboratory Services

Gemstone Testing

Gemstone Testing

Gemstones are very essential part of our jewellery industry as they take charge to produce vibrant hues in our jewellery articles. Gemstones comes in almost every colour by nature itself, but with the help of certain human controlled processes, gemstone's colour & clarity can be improved to make gemstones more marketable. At GJSPC Laboratory we check each & every gemstone very precisely to disclose if the stone has been treated in any ways to improve its appearance to make it more marketable. Each GJSPC Laboratory Rudraksha Identification Report also is a surety of no Treatment,

GJSPC Laboratory believes in disclosing the treatments instead of hiding it. At GJSPC Laboratory we would like to handle your jewellery artifacts with the same love & care, one showed during its purchase.
Gemstone grading report is an advance report with all the details explaining the quality of the Colour, Clarity, Cut & the nature of the gemstone submitted under grading services. GJSPC Laboratory uses internationally accepted standards to grade gemstones. GJSPC laboratory uses Colour master stones sets to grade colour for consistency and accuracy instead of just relying on the human eye & opinion.
The GJSPC Laboratory Colour stone Identification Report, with geographic origin added. For polished, rough, loose or mounted natural ruby, sapphire, emerald, Paraíba tourmaline, and red spinel only. Geographic origin is an opinion of GJSPC Laboratory Gemologists at the time of issuing the report.
Report Sample